Thursday, October 5, 2017

Delovna akcija v Preserjah! Working action in Preserje!

Dragi prijatelji!
Z veseljem vas spet vabimo v Preserje!
Tokrat je v planu dokončanje zelene strehe 
na naši „kabani“, ki je nastala na lanskoletni 
delavnici (link je spodaj).

21. in 22. Oktobra od 9h do 17h. 
Preserje 28 nad Branikom

Dears friends
We are happy to invite you again in Preserje!  This time we are planning to finish the green Roof of our "Kabana" which was made during last year's workshop.  (see link below).

Delovna akcija bo precej fizična, prestaviti moramo ogromno materiala, zato imejte dobre čevlje, rokavice in dosti energije :)

It will be a pretty physical action as we need to move a lot of material, so come with good gloves, shoes and plenty energy! 

Akcija bo trajala dva dni:
-Prvi dan: Fizičen začetek, prenesemo nekaj manjših hlodov iz gozda, nadaljujemo s pripravo strehe in prinašanjem zemlje na streho.
-Drugi dan: Zaključna dela z zemljo in zasaditev rastlin na strehi, lepotni detajli.

The action would last two days:
- First day. A physical start, gathering some trees (with help of local tractor driver). Preparation on the roof before the soil can come up. And finally bring up loads of wheelbarrows of soil and stones!
- Second day. Finishing preparing the soil, planting many different roof plants, and final beauty details.

Za hrano in pijačo bo poskrbljeno.
Možna je tudi prenočitev.
Če bo slabo vreme, bomo akcijo prestavili.

We provide food and drinks.
For the ones sleeping over we will define later.
In case if rainy weather we will have to postpone the action.

Za kakršnekoli dodatne informacije, nas kontaktirajte.
Prosim sporočite, če ste zainteresirani!

Feel free to ask us for more details.
Please notice us if you are interested!

Za več informacij o „kabani“, si poglejte link
Tu sta dva videa iz lanskoletne delavnice o gradnji slamnate „kabane“.

For more details about the straw "Kabana" follow the link
Here are two videos of the last year workshop action to built the Straw "Kabana".

V upanju, da se nam pridružite in pomagate narediti prvo zeleno streho v vasi, vas lepo pozdravljamo!

Hoping you can join us and help us make the first green roof in the village!

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