Saturday 25th June and Sunday 26th June.
Workshop: Building Light Straw Clay building blocks to make a small house.
The workshop is intended to be a light presentation on the use of Light Straw Clay as building material for making home and practical making of isolating bricks. Sunday we continue producing the blocks! For this reason, if you can only come one day, better on saturday!
These bricks will be the natural building blocks for the walls of this small workshop house (30m2) that will be built this summer:
The workshop will be taking place in Rudnik (Ljubljana) from 9h30 til 17h30. Free of charge, and I offer food (lunch) and drinks.
Good to come with clothes that you can get dirty with. But no need for gloves, we use only Clay, water and straw.
If interrested, or any question, please contact me at
Za potrditev ali za kakršnokoli vprašanje me lahko kontaktirate na
Have a good day! lep dan!
Workshop: Building Light Straw Clay building blocks to make a small house.
Sobota 25. junij in nedelja 26. junij.
Delavnica: Izdelava “zidakov” iz slame in gline za gradnjo hiše.
The workshop is intended to be a light presentation on the use of Light Straw Clay as building material for making home and practical making of isolating bricks. Sunday we continue producing the blocks! For this reason, if you can only come one day, better on saturday!
Opis: Delavnica bo začela v soboto s kratko predstavitvijo uporabe slame in gline kot gradbenega materiala. Sledila bo praktična izdelava “zidakov”, ki se bo nadaljevala tudi v nedeljo.
Če pridete samo za en dan, je bolje, da pridete v soboto.
These bricks will be the natural building blocks for the walls of this small workshop house (30m2) that will be built this summer:
Slamnato-glineni zidaki bodo naravni gradniki za zidove majhne delavnice (30m2),
ki se bo gradila to poletje:
ki se bo gradila to poletje:
The workshop will be taking place in Rudnik (Ljubljana) from 9h30 til 17h30. Free of charge, and I offer food (lunch) and drinks.
Good to come with clothes that you can get dirty with. But no need for gloves, we use only Clay, water and straw.
Delavnica bo potekala na Rudniku (Ljubljana) od 9h30 do 17h30.
Udeležba je brezplačna, prosil bi vas samo to, da udelelžbo potrdite na spodni mail.
Pridite v oblekah, ki se lahko umažejo. Za hrano in pijačo bo poskrbljeno.
If interrested, or any question, please contact me at
Za potrditev ali za kakršnokoli vprašanje me lahko kontaktirate na
Have a good day! lep dan!
Čopko in the straw - Čopko v slami